Strength and Movement

Hand Strength and Movement Therapy Mackay

How We Help

Strength is an important part of your ability to do everyday tasks. With injury, it can be significantly reduced.

Knowing why and what muscles have been affected is the starting point to regaining your strength. It is known that with injury the ‘core’ muscles may not be effective and our sensors in our joints (we call these proprioceptors) that tell our brain where it is can be sending mixed signals.


How often have you seen someone who is strong bend down with straight legs to pick up something off the floor? Most of us realise we should bend from the knees and squat to lift. The point is, sometimes it doesn’t matter how strong you are. But it matters that you are aware of the body part that is moving, where it is in space and whether you are using the strongest muscles in the best posture. This is what sets Upper Limbs & Beyond apart. 

Occupational Therapy/Hand Therapy is not about treating the specific muscle that has been injured, but working out how you use your body, what you need it to do for you and using those activities to help you regain your strength. The focus is on your function. 

Yes, we still use dumbbells, bands and squeezing, but the ability to put these into your everyday functional use is what sets up your recovery and independence long term. This is what the term “occupational” refers to in Occupational Therapy – using your everyday activity to regain independence. 

Book your appointment online or contact us to find out more.